Friday, January 15, 2016

Women's Hardware: Logo Plaque

The other project for the Women's department that I helped out with was creating a new logo plaque for their products. This plaque, while similar to the one I made for Men's in that they both comprise of a small piece of metal with the Tumi logo debossed into the surface, the women's plaque design is bigger in size and will be in either a gold or brass colored metal. Larger and flashier hardware are some of the small changes one often sees with the brand when translating men's to women's design.

We've already seen the sketch of the three hardware options I was given in the previous post, but I'll show it again here, highlighting the sketches this post focuses on inside red boxes.

You might notice that here, too, there are different versions of the plaque on the sketch. One looks like more of a square shape (although it is actually rectangular, not square) and the other has a curved top edge. The original idea for the plaque was to have the plaque be flat on all four sides, however the product that the plaque was being designed for featured a curvature to its design. Therefore I was also asked to render up a version that featured the same curved edge. Here are the two versions:

While these designs are fairly simple, they gave me a lot of practice with SoldWorks and later Illustrator, which to me is invaluable. Next up I'll write about a key fob design I helped make.

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