Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Luggage Tag Hardware

Another piece of hardware I helped to design and prepare is a small (read: very small) metal object to be placed as a fixture on a luggage tag. First Mike gave me his Illustrator drawing of what the design should look like and some basic dimensions.

You can see by the drawing on the right where this piece would go on the leather tag. This piece was fun for me because it gave me the chance to play around with the dome feature on SolidWorks and gave me so much respect for the designers in that office and around the world who do this type of stuff every day, putting immense amount of thought into minuscule details in order to obtain the perfect design.

Below are two different angles of the final version of the piece on SolidWorks.

The from SolidWorks I created a drawing, which allowed me to produce a lot of the dimensions automatically, but then I had to transfer it over to Illustrator to add in some others. Here's a look at the final spec sheet.

Sorry I don't have too much to say about this piece, but it's nonetheless an interesting little project to showcase and a polished looking finished product. Plus it gave me more experience working with different softwares. Next I get to talk about one of my favorite pieces I did all summer: the modified screw.

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